Wednesday, November 7, 2012

City of Ashes - Epilogue

"Clary!" Simon's mother beamed all over her face at the sight of the girl standing on herdoorstep. "I haven't seen you for ages. I was starting to worry you and Simon had had a fight.""Oh, no," Clary said. "I just wasn't feeling well, that's all." Even when you've got magichealing runes, apparently you're not invulnerable. She hadn't been surprised...

City of Ashes - Chapter 19

"You're wrong," Clary said, but her voice held no conviction. "You don't know anythingabout me or Jace. You're just trying to—""To what? I'm trying to reach you, Clarissa. To make you understand." There was no feelingin Valentine's voice that Clary could detect beyond a faint amusement."You're laughing at us. You think you can use me to hurt Jace,...

City of Ashes - Chapter 17

"How did you do that?" Clary demanded as the truck sped uptown, Luke hunched overthe wheel."You mean how did I get onto the roof?" Jace was leaning back against the seat, his eyes halfclosed.There were white bandages tied around his wrists and flecks of dried blood at his hairline."First I climbed out Isabelle's window and up the wall. There are a...