Tuesday, December 11, 2012

City of Glass - Chapter 20

Water struck her in the face like a blow. Clary went down, choking, into freezing darkness; her first thought was that thePortal had faded beyond repairing, and that she was stuck in the whirling black in-between place, where she would suffocate anddie, just as Jace had warned her she might the first time she’d ever used a Portal.Her second thought...

City of Glass - Epilogue

The smoke rose in a lazy spiral, tracing delicate lines of black across the clear air. Jace, alone on the hill overlooking thecemetery, sat with his elbows on his knees and watched the smoke drift heavenward. The irony wasn’t lost on him: These were hisfather’s remains, after all.He could see the bier from where he was sitting, obscured by smoke and...