Monday, January 21, 2013

City of Fallen Angels - Chapter 19

HELL IS SATISFIEDThe unimaginable brilliance printed on the back of Clary’s eyelids faded into darkness. Asurprisingly long darkness that gave way slowly to an intermittent grayish light, blotchedwith shadows. There was something hard and cold pressing into her back, and her wholebody hurt. She heard murmured voices above her, which sent a stab of...

City of Fallen Angels - Chapter 18

SCARS OF FIREClouds had rolled in over the river, the way they sometimes did at night, bringing a thickmist with them. It didn’t hide what was happening on the roof, just laid a sort of dimmingfog over everything else. The buildings rising all around them were murky pillars of light,and the moon glowed barely, a muffled lamp, through the low scudding...