Thursday, February 21, 2013

City of Lost Souls - Epilogue

At first, Jace was conscious of nothing. Then there was darkness, and within thedarkness, a burning pain. It was as if he’d swallowed fire, and it choked him and burnedhis throat. He gasped desperately for air, for a breath that would cool the fire, and hiseyes flew open.He saw darkness and shadows—a dimly lit room, known and unknown, with rows ofbeds...

City of Lost Souls - Chapter 21

Luke’s sister looked up, her blue eyes, so much like Luke’s, fastening on Clary. Sheseemed dizzied, shocked, her expression a little unfocused as if she’d been drugged. Shetried to start to her feet, but Cartwright shoved her back down. Sebastian started towardthem, the Cup in his hand.Clary scrambled forward, but Jace caught her by the arm, pulling...